“Small Aim Is Crime”

“KHWAB FOUNDATION” is a dream, a vision, a strategic plan to achieve development and participation of all sections of society, with a focus on selected areas and rural development & awareness. Our organization has very much believed in the ideas and theories of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (Ex-President & Scientist) about making India a developed nation.
Today, we at “KHWAB FOUNDATION” decided to take it people resource for developing our country. The youth are being motivated by the Khwab Foundation and they are being prepared to make positive vibrations inside the country.
Drawing & Video Speech Contest-2025 On Dr. Kalam
Age- 2-16 yearsClass- Nursery to 10+2
Dead Line – 15th July 2025 , 11.59 PM
Every participants will get an e-certificate.
Upload your drawing & Video Speech here
1st,2nd and 3rd Topper will get exciting prizes.

Motihari,East champaran,Bihar,India

Registration is opening very soon!,
Motihari,East Champaran,Bihar,India
Founder Message

With the time, youth have started to search their roots in the real heart of India i.e. Rural India with motive to Sarva Hitayah which is clearly visible with our work started taking shapes on ground. This has also resulted in the increase in enthusiasm in the students in a town like Motihari which also carry the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and shares with all together.We are very clear with our motives that our nation can’t be developed without development of downtrodden as well as rural area and other weaker section of society. Our mission is directed towards bringing about positive social change. Through our training workshops we influence volunteers and groups/communities within which they work, and encourage them to contribute to the development sector. By consolidating activities and expanding our collaboration, we strive to add value to the work of partner NGOs.