Be a part of International Youth Conference as Delegate/Speaker/Brand Ambassador/Partner

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Apply for KYLC6.0 ,International Youth Conference

Deadline for applications:

Deadline 1 – 15th June 2024 – 65% Scholarship ($70,INR-5500/-)

Deadline 2 – 21th June 2024- 50% Scholarship ($100,INR-8000/-)

Deadline 3- 30th June 2024- 25% Scholarship ($150, 13000/-)

Deadline 4- After 30th June 2024- No any Scholarship ($200, 16000/-)

Registration fee:

Deadline- $200

Note: Bus/Air Fare is not included

Registration fee covers accommodations and food during conference, short sight seeing, Conference materials, T-Shirt, Certificate and Token of appreciation.

“The dream is not what you see in sleep, dreams are those that do not let you sleep.”                                                   –Dr APJ Abdul Kalam  

Nomination Form for Awards-2024

Read the instructions before nomination: Best Wishes KYLC recognizes the real-life heroes and awards them for his/her service to communities and country.
1. Kalam Youth Leadership Award–2024
Youths who have done an exceptional service to the society will be eligible for this award. KHWAB FOUNDATION honors potential young leaders across the globe by recognizing their astounding efforts in creating a positive social transformation with “Kalam Youth Leadership Award”. 

  • Only one award will be given to each country. 
  • Only one award will be given to each state of India. 
  • Only one award will be given to each district of Bihar, India. 

2. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Children Award -2024
A child under the age of 18, who have done an exceptional service to the society will be chosen for this award. It was instituted in 2019 to give recognition to children with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievements in the fields of innovation, scholastic achievements, social service, arts & culture and sports.

3. Dr. Kalam Lifetime Achievement Award-2024
The Dr. Kalam Lifetime Achievement Award is intended for individuals with at least 10 years of documented
accomplishments in the various field of social work who have had a significant impact on a large number of
individuals and organizations. This award is awarded to recognize contributions over the whole of a career, rather than or in addition to single contributions.

4. Dr. Kalam Youth Ratna Award-2024

This prestigious award given to the world youth leaders who are working at root level for empowering the society.  The youth who made an important contribution in fulfilling the dreams of Dr. Kalam would have been honored and encouraged. Such youths are the real gems of the society and the country who should get all possible help.

5. Dr. Kalam Visionary of India Award-2024
This award is for Indian delegate only who are working for empowering the society at root level in any field.
 This award nomination form is designed for every member to give the opportunity to nominate a colleague or co-worker or self for recognition due to exemplary work, effort or other reasons by filling out and submitting this nomination form.

1. Nomination Fee ($2.5) INR 200/- only (Non- Refundable) for one Nomination. 
2. A confirmation letter will be sent after perusal by the Award Selection Committee if selected.
3.If the Nominee’s work is amazing and can do better by helping financially then financial help is also given to the winner.
4. You have to share all the required documents and photos of your works and achievements if needed. 

5.The selection of the committee is universal and no one can pressurize it. 


Account Details:

Indian Bank ,Motihari ,Bihar


A/C No: 50163556298


GPay/Paytm/PhonePe : 9973364776

UPI :  9973364776@paytm

If you face any problem to fill the form. WhatsApp at +91 99733 64776 

Highlights of Previous International Youth Conference

Kalam Youth Leadership Award –

Youths who have done an exceptional service to the society will be eligible for this award. KHWAB FOUNDATION honors potential young leaders across the globe by recognizing their astounding efforts in creating a positive social transformation with “Kalam Youth Leadership Award”. 

Theme- Preparing for the Future through youth clubs for bringing peace and prosperity.
  • Only one award will be given to each country. 
  • Only one award will be given to each state of India. 
  • Only one award will be given to each district of Bihar, India. 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Children Award-

A child under the age of 18, who have done an exceptional service to the society will be chosen for this award. It was instituted in 2019 to give recognition to children with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievements in the fields of innovation, scholastic achievements, social service, arts & culture and sports.

Dr. Kalam lifetime Achievement Award-

The Dr. Kalam Lifetime Achievement Award is intended for individuals with at least 10 years of documented accomplishments in the various field of social work who have had a significant impact on a large number of individuals and organizations. This award is awarded to recognize contributions over the whole of a career, rather than or in addition to single contributions.

Dr. Kalam Youth Ratna Award-2023

This prestigious award given to the world youth leaders who are working at root level for empowering the society.  The youth who made an important contribution in fulfilling the dreams of Dr. Kalam would have been honored and encouraged. Such youths are the real gems of the society and the country who should get all possible help.

Dr KALAM Visionary of India Award-

This award is for Indian delegate only who are working for empowering the society at root level in any field. This award nomination form is designed for every member to give the opportunity to nominate a colleague or co-worker or self for recognition due to exemplary work, effort or other reasons by filling out and submitting this nomination form.

Best Speaker –

One speaker will be awarded from each category of the technical sessions, based on his/her performance.

Best Ambassador, Best Participant, Best Delegate ,Best Volunteer –

Youth leaders will be awarded on the basis of their contribution, Performance, Discipline ,co-operation ,learning during conference.


A confirmation letter will be sent after perusal by the Award Selection Committee if selected.
If the Nominee’s work is amazing and can do better by helping financially, then if any sponsor is ready to give financial support, then financial help is also given to the winner.
The selection of the committee is universal and no one can pressurize it.

If you face any problem to fill the form. WhatsApp at +91 99733 64776 

send your Nomination at [email protected]

Nomination Closed Now

Pre Conference Activity :

Plantation –

All the delegates are encouraged to participate in plantation at their own local place. Take a pic with the planted tree and send to KYLC Secretariat.

Global Youth Pre-summit –

All the state and country ambassadors of KYLC will hold a pre-summit meeting to connect the youth of their place. This meeting can be from 5 to hundreds of youth.

Video Message-

All the selected youth will record a video of 1-3 minutes in which there will be a positive message for the youth and youth leaders participating in the summit.

Press Release –

A press release will take place prior to the conference. Media representatives of every level, including state, local, global and independent journalists too are welcome to cover the information about the conference.

All the selected delegates/Speakers/Awardee should have to take a press conference at their respective state/country for spreading positive vibes.

Note: Share the media clips/Pics/Video with KYLC secretariat ([email protected] or WA-+91 99733 64776)

Previous KYLC Highlights :

KYLC4.0, 27-28-29 July 2022(Patna, Bihar)

KALAM YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE3.0 organized by KHWAB FOUNDATION(India) is the International Webinar where more than 100 young change-makers across the globe gather to share their thoughts on leadership skills within the theme of “Global youth empowerment for serving suffering humanity”. KYLC3.0 is a platform for young people to discuss issues facing in their communities, brainstorm possible solutions, and become Youth Ambassadors for change. Let’s join and be a part of positive changes.

Why to join KYLC3.0?

Registration is free.

Awarding with E-Certificate.

Social Media promotion .

Meet the global youth and become a member of Global family. 

No traveling charges.

A platform to share your thoughts.

Gain extra knowledge other than your field.  

Improve your network.

Download the following Files .

Highlights of our previous Conference KYLC2.0, 2020.

Watch the all videos of International webinar KYLC2.0 at Youtube.

Download the Important documents before joining the Webinar KYLC2.0

Let’s join with a powerful girls team and encourage them to do more for bringing peace & prosperity in the world.

Organizing Committee Members,KYLC2.0

Dr. Archana Bhatacharjee,India
Miss Inthija Careem,
Sri Lanka

Miss SK Kanta reza

Vice-President &
Media Representative
Miss Abhilasha Bhartee, India
Head of Design & Communication
Miss Manisha Jaiswal ,India
Head of Technology
Miss Anokhi Kumari

Brand Ambassador to India
Er. Sushmita Kumari, India
Brand Ambassador to Nepal
Miss Bishakha Priya ,Nepal
Brand Ambassador to Fiji
Miss Kaajal Kumar, Fiji

Brand Ambassador to Maldives
Miss Nausha Hawwa, Maldives
Brand Ambassador to Bhutan
Miss Anuka Rai Sampang ,Bhutan
Brand Ambassador to Switzerland.
Miss Anna Barchetti Durisch, Switzerland.

Highlights of our previous Conference KYLC1.0, 2019.

Objective: All the countries of the world are facing local as well as global problems. The solutions to these problems are not only the responsibility of the government but also the participation of youth is very important. Particularly the participation of youth of any country can be conclusive. The youth are working more than their strengths and are working constructively and positively to resolve the problems, which can bring prosperity with peace and harmony in this world.

KYLC-2020 is providing a platform to young leaders of different nationalities, to ensure that they collectively resolve the solutions of global problems with local problems. These young people will share the impact of their country with the problems, solutions, ideas, projects, experiences that will make it easier for other young leaders to understand. Through the KYLC-2020, the network of world-class youth is creating a positive energy flow to achieve peace and prosperity can be established in the world. Through this we will also contribute in Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

  • Date and Location:

     26-27 July 2020


  • Why KYLC-2020?

KYLC-2020 is going to be the greatest platform and opportunity for you, to network with global youth leaders’. It is a unique platform to connect the young leaders who are working at grass root levels to the international platform, to showcase their social projects and to network with likeminded inspirers.

Participating at KYLC-2020 gives you a wide knowledge about global issues as well as local issues and organizations working to eliminate it. You can be a part of their work and bring about meaningful changes for the Glocal changes. It gives you a great platform to network with likeminded global leaders whom you can associate and work together for a noble cause and brings peace and prosperity through local to Global.   

Theme: “Youthism is where story begins…”

Parallel events:

(No separate registration & fee is needed for all our parallel events. All the delegates are free to participate.)

Peace rally: 100+ international/National speakers in their traditional wear and with countries flags will participate at 1 KM rally and take a pledge “To spread positive vibration for bringing peace beyond boundaries and work together to create sustainable development”. All the international /National speakers/ Delegates/participants will be part of the rally. Let’s march for Glocal peace.

Plantation: To save the environment today, youth will have to come forward. The youth working on the environment will be planted in a village under leadership.

Social awards: KYLC-2020 recognizes the real-life heroes and awards them for his/her service to communities and country.


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