About Founder
A message from the Founder : Mr. Munna Kumar
With the time, youth have started to search their roots in the real heart of India i.e. Rural India with motive to Sarva Hitayah which is clearly visible with our work started taking shapes on ground. This has also resulted in the increase in enthusiasm in the students in a town like Motihari which also carry the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and shares with all together.We are very clear with our motives that our nation can’t be developed without development of downtrodden as well as rural area and other weaker section of society. Our mission is directed towards bringing about positive social change. Through our training workshops we influence volunteers and groups/communities within which they work, and encourage them to contribute to the development sector. By consolidating activities and expanding our collaboration, we strive to add value to the work of partner NGOs.

Entrepreneur !! Motivator !! Leader !! Innovator !! Social Worker !! Lecturer !! Educator !! Actor
Munna Kumar, hailing from a poor family of East Champaran District of Bihar lost his father when he was 3 years old. His elder brother could not proceed beyond 7th standard due to poverty. His elder sister was killed by her own mother-in-law for not bringing in dowry. Munna Bhai’s family could not even take up this murder with police, due to their poverty. Being a brilliant student, Munna Kumar continued his school education but with great financial difficulty. He earned money by taking up small jobs. When he was studying the 10th standard in 2001, he had the opportunity of reading Hindi version of ‘Ignited Minds’ and ‘Wings of Fire’ books written by Dr Abdul Kalam.
“These books changed my mind. I got motivated to get ‘one line in the history’ for my contribution to the society”, says Munna Kumar recalling his past days.
Today,He has visited Dr APJ Abdul Kalam with his social project and invited him for visiting Champaran in Sep 2013.Dr.Kalam has appreciated his project and promised to come Motihari. He struggled financially to complete his graduation in MS College (Motihari) and Software Engineering(MCA) with Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi. Besides getting an education loan from a bank, he took up tuitions to earn money to complete his studies. Although he got a lucrative job in a company called CTS, he decided to quit the job and start working towards nation-building. Pre sently, he works as a lecturer ( Dept of computer science )in LND College, Motihari.
“Teaching profession will help me achieve the goal.Since I had suffered a lot during my young age to get good education, I want to dedicate my life to the society to bring a change by providing proper education and patriotism, to achieve the Vision 2020. Like my role models, Vivekananda and Abdul Kalam, I want to serve the society”, Munna Kumar says proudly.
“Satydarshan Library” with more than 3000 good books. He has established a computer training center as well as a sewing Training center and plans to extend to many more villages in the district. Munna Kumar brings out an e-magazine in Hindi titled ‘Junoon’ to spread the positive messages among educated youth. He has started ‘Abdul Kalam Science Club’ to create science awareness among the rural students. Senior college students teach these school students.
He is a good motivator. He has organized more than 50 ‘Motivational Workshops’ to date, covering more than 5000 students, to prepare them for Vision 2020. Today, he is running an NGO KHWAB FOUNDATION for achieving the goal of vision2020 as developed India. He is working on education and rural development in champaran. He is working for implementing the constructive works of Mahatma Gandhi in champaran for bringing peace and prosperity.

1.“CHAMPARAN RATNA” from Sushma group,Motihari,2012
2.“GADHIAN AWARD” at Gandhi smarak and Sangrahalya,Motihari,2013
3“MOTIHARI GAURAV SAMMAN” from Nagar Parishad,Motihari, 2014
4.“SIKSHA SEVA SAMMAN” from Private School Association,Motihari,2014

5.”BEST NEW ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR” from Rotary club,Dhanbad,2015
6. “BIHAR SRIJAN SAMMAN” by Bihar Youth Dialogue ,Patna ,2016
7.”SANGHAI YOUNG LEADER AWARD” by International Youth Committee ,New Delhi ,2016

9.”YOUTH ICON OF CHAMPARAN” by Youth Wing,Motihari, 2017
10.”UTKRISHTH YUWA AWARD” by Motihari Chamber of commerce, Motihari,2017
11. “JAZBA AWARD” BY The Mother’s Lap welfare foundation, Lakhnow ,UP ,2018
12. “National youth Icon Award’ by International Youth Committee, New Delhi,2018

13. “India Youth Award-2018” by International Youth Committee, New Delhi, 2018
14. “Appreciation Award” by Youth Minister of Mladives, Colombo, Srilanka 2018.
15. “Delegation Award” by Youth & Sport Ministry, Kuala lampur, Malaysia 2019 .
16.”Peace Medal” by Youth , Sports and community Ministry, Male, Maldives 2019.

17. “Best Delegate Country Leaders” Sports and community Ministry, Male, Maldives 2019.
18. “Outstanding Appreciation Award” by Mr Jayanta Patra, Hon President IYC, New Delhi 2019
19. “Karmveer Chakra” by ICONGO and UN ,New Delhi 2019